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Monday, February 28, 2011

Where to go

There have been times in my life when I have cluttered it with "stuff". Doing too much, thinking too much, all caught up in  . . . what exactly was I caught up in?  And then there would come this moment when I realized what I was doing and NOT doing. I was moving through this life, but not in this life. In 1979 I had my first clear realization of this. I was in the Navy doing, well, not what I should have been doing. Now, 30 some odd years later I find myself finally moving to what is natural, what the Tao calls the root. What does the Tao say about the root? This:
Returning to the root is called stillness.
Stillness is called return to life.
Return to life is called the constant.
Knowing the constant is called enlightenment.
Acts at random, in ignorance of the constant, bode ill.

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