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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Its the little things

Practicing The Way is not about the big things---it's the little things.  There are hundreds of little things we do every single day.  Most of them go unnoticed and unthought about.  We hurry through them, more conscious of what lies ahead instead of what lies in front.  We worry about the past. Try to figure out and predict the future.  What happens when we are busy do those things is that the moment to moment rising and falling of our lives goes by and we have missed all that we only every have---this moment, right now. And, this moment is simple in its grandeur.  It is complex enough for right now.  There is nothing to look back on and nothing ahead to hold on to. What if we all lived like this?  What if you and I do?  What if I do?  What if you do?  That is all there is, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. In many ways our practice depends on our ability to be fully immersed in each moment - so simple yet so challenging. Thanks for the reminder.
