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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Huge freedom comes
When we hear the voices and do not believe them
They live in their own conditioned reality
They are projecting
They are saying what is true for them
and getting you to believe
it has something to do with you
It doesn't
Cheri Huber, "Making a Change"

How much credit we give those voices!  A good exercise is to step back and observe all the thoughts that ramble through our head in just a few minutes. Now, imagine how many of them in a day!  And what are those thoughts but voices vying for our attention. To what purpose?  Yet, we spend a lot of time engaging in conversation with them.  But they are not the reality of this moment. They are the voices of the ego trying to lull and fool us.  How often it works! Just be aware of them.  What to do?  There is nothing to do. It is when we 'do' something that they know we are paying attention to them. There is just this moment and nothing to do.  Easy to say, hard to . . . ---there's the lesson!

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