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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Away for a few days

I have been away for a few days.  I find that the months of January and February can be challenging.  For many of us the winter has really set in with the cold, gray, moody skies.  I imagine that many of us start to long for the Spring and the season of renewal.  But we should be mindful that if it were not for the winter there would be no Spring.  They are connected, they depend on each other.  The earth, or at least our part of it, needs to rest and recuperate.  It needs some time to recharge and so it slows down and settles for awhile.  The winter is a beautiful time of the year, pregnant with the knowledge that Spring is coming with its own kind of beauty. There is a lesson here for us.  We should take the time to renew ourselves this time of year.  Where have we lost touch with the oneness of our experiences?  What do we need to do to touch that sense of how we are all connected?  Is there one thing that we can do today that helps us reconnect?  Don't worry about yesterday, it's gone and no longer exists.  Tomorrow isn't here yet and we have no idea what it will be.  We are left with just today, with just this and nothing else.  And, if this is all we have for now, then what can we do, just today, to connect to that which is?

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